
Your donations are vital to us at this critical time. We’re employing professional consultants to put together a comprehensive response to the planning authority. Any help you can give us will be much appreciated. For any donations in excess of £30 please contact our Treasurer at

Donations can be sent by bank transfer or by cheque or by using Paypal. As Paypal charges a commission for each payment, donations by bank transfer or cheque are preferable. If you would like Gift Aid to be applied to your donation please send the following declaration together with your full name and home address including postcode to the Treasurer at the address below or by email to:

Gift Aid Declaration:

"I confirm that I have paid or will pay UK Income and/ or Capital Gains Tax greater than the tax that can be reclaimed on my donation to Friends of Pendower Beach"

Donate via bank transfer:

Account name: Friends of Pendower Beach
Bank: Co-op
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account no: 65443592

Cheques payable to "Friends of Pendower Beach" can be sent to:

The Treasurer
Friends of Pendower Beach
Gull Rock

Donate via PayPal:
