The Main Issues

There are a range of different issues which make this proposed development both inappropriate and impractical in this unique and special location.

  • Does the scheme conform with planning policy? It’s a major development in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, two and a half times bigger (gross internal area) than the original Pink Hotel.

  • Can it actually be built, given the fragile state of the cliff and the Rocky Lane approach?

  • Can the access issues be properly resolved, both in the construction and operational phases? Current congestion along Rocky Lane is already a huge problem, especially in the summer.

  • Have all the major environmental and ecological issues been fully resolved?

  • In reality, is the scheme financially viable?

  • If not, will the ‘apart-hotel’ holiday-let restriction soon be lifted, in effect resulting in a second-home housing estate on a protected beach, as with the previous scheme.

It won’t stop here.

If over development were to be allowed, it would open the gates to similar proposals throughout the whole of the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Cornwall’s most precious landscapes would be up for grabs.

Support our opposition to over-development at Pendower…